2022 Science: Year in Review

August 28, 2023 Research & Conservation

Our 2022 Science Year in Review is complete. This beautiful report showcases the breadth of our work last year. After a couple of years navigating a “post-pandemic” world, our team traveled to conferences, launched new projects and continued to connect people with plants. 

In 2022, our team traveled extensively learning, sharing and collaborating. From meeting scientists at the University of Bergen, in Norway, to learn about their research on the effects of climate change on alpine plants, to the Botany Conference in Anchorage, Alaska, to present our research. These connections allowed our team to engage in meaningful conversations about our changing world. 

Our report highlights significant publications like the second edition of the “Flora of Colorado” or a vegetative key to grasses. Through these publications, our expertise and research findings initiate collaborations and create new directions for future research. 

Additionally, our report honors our emeritus curator of the Sam Mitchel Herbarium of Fungi, Vera Evenson. Vera has retired after 45 years of service to the Gardens. Mycology holds a special place at the Gardens thanks to Vera’s dedication and persistence. Although our Year in Review only highlights a glimpse of her journey at the Gardens, we are forever in debt to her for her invaluable contributions. 

Thanks to our dedicated staff, graduate students, volunteers and interns our department made progress on more than 10 projects. From wrapping up a floristic inventory at Axton Mountain Ranch, to describing a new species in Colorado, our team demonstrated immense drive while collecting and analyzing data, publishing papers and continuing our meaningful work. While we continue to expand our impact and understanding of regional biodiversity through outreach and on-going projects, you can find our 2022 Science Year in Review online. Learn more about research, conservation and our efforts to connect people with plants. 


This article was contributed by Research Coordinator Karen Rojas Meza

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